Ok, here's a tiny story that I just made up. Enjoy!!! XD (I actually made this up a while ago, let's see if I remember it)
The Adventures Of Fred And Todd (Part 1)
There once was a boy. His name was Todd. He had a spirit animal that was a dragon, who's name was Fred. Thing is, Todd loves his dragon spirit animal that he gave up his body to make the dragon become a real dragon. Todd later became a llama. Luckily, Todd was a very happy llama.
Todd wanted Fred to be a very happy dragon, just like he was a very happy llama. So he set Fred free. That and the rules stated that spirit animals could only be spirit animals to humans. That and Fred wasn't a spirit animal anymore. Fred was a real dragon.
So Fred went off into the world. One day, he came across some kids eating a new cereal called Brainy-Bits. But then he witnessed as their brains exploded. He realized why the cereal was called Brainy-Bits. So he set off on a quest. He was going to stop the Brainy-Bits maker and bring peace to the world. And stop brains from going in pieces.
So Fred found himself lost in a forest on his way around the world. He saw a spirit animal bear. The bear was angry. So the bear said "Grrr!" and bopped Fred's nose.
"OWIE!!!!" Fred whelped. "You bopped me in the nose!"
"Grrr!" Was the bear's only response. The bear did it again.
"Please stop, you're giving me a boo boo! Why are you so angry?" The dragon complained while putting a hand/claw thing on his nose to protect it.
"I don't know. Just felt like it." The bear suddenly calmed down.
"Hahaha you're funny!" Fred laughed, and Bear laughed along with Fred. Yes, the bear's name is Bear. You got a problem with it? Geez, tough readers today.
Bear and Fred said their goodbyes after Bear showed Fred the exit from the forest. From then, Fred travelled such a long time. It was a nearly impossible feat, but he finally made it to a dark and scary castle in over 5 minutes.
Yes, 5 minutes. Fred is an amazing dragon. Fred was very tired by the time he got there.
So Fred walked up to the castle doors and walked inside, not waiting for the door to open. It was very hard. I mean seriously, have you ever tried to walk through wood or steel or whatever that was?
Anyway, Fred made it through the door and walked into what looked like a laboratory.
"Ah, we haz a guest!!!" A strange, cackling voice laughed. He said 'guest' as "gwest".
Fred turned around, knocking down a box of something.
"Oh, no no no, please don't do zat! Dis iz me project! Me very special project!" An old, frizzy haired man laughed some more, rolling his r's excessively and saying 'special' as "spay-shawl".
"Who are you?" Fred asked.
"Oh, ho ho ho! You are ze one in me home, not I in yours! Who are YOU?" The man cackled, continuing to roll his r's. Basically all his r's are really really really rolled. Ok I just tried to say "Really, really, really rolled." with rolled r's. It's hard! At least for me.
"I'm Fred."
"Hello, Fred." He laughed some more, saying something like halo instead of hello. "Would you like to try some of my cereal I'm creating?"
"Sure!" Fred grinned. He loved cereal.
The old man, most likely a professor, poured some cereal into a bowl and poured milk into it.
I wonder where I've seen that cereal box... Fred wondered.
Then Fred ate the cereal. It was a very good cereal.
Next thing you know, there is a limited edition of Brainy-Bits: Dragon Brainy-Bits.
But that's ok, because Todd the Llama brought back Fred to life, and Fred became a llama, too. So now it's Todd the Llama and Fred the Llama. But rumor has it that the limited edition, Dragon Brainy-Bits, were making people think they were a dragon. So the kids started to light places on fire.
"We have to stop this!" Todd spittled.
"Yes, we must!" Fred spittled back.
~To be continued~
This blog has no real topic, just random topics I come up with for a post. There is always something new, and there's no telling what I'm gonna come up with! I am also very open to post ideas, or if you want some info on something, so just say in a comment!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Ok, so I literally don't know what to post about XD So basically I'm just gonna type and type until I think of something. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Eh, I give up. Carry on! XD
What Rhymes With Very? Hmm, I wonder...
Ok, so this is gonna be long XD Thank you RhymeZone for providing for this post!!!
Also, thank you Goku for (without knowing) helping me with this post XD Yes I really just wanted to do something really long. And yes I changed the results number just a tiny bit. Good for you for those who figure out what the number used to be. Just didn't want it do be offensive to some people.
Words and phrases that rhyme with very: (665 results)
2 syllables:
aeri-, aerie, airey, airy, air he, arie, ary, barey, bare he, barre, barrie,barry, bear he, berrey, berri, berrie, berry, blair e, blair he, buerry,bury, carey, care e, care e., care he, carie, carrey, carrie, carrie e., carry,cary, chair he, cheri, cherie, cherry, chery, claire e., claire he, clair e.,clare e., clare he, clary, dairy, dare he, derry, dery, ere he, eyrie, fairey,fairy, fair e, fair he, fare e, fare he, ferae, ferri, ferri-, ferrie, ferry, fery,flair he, frary, garry, gary, gary e, gary e., gehry, gerri, gerrie, gerry,gerry e., gery, glare he, glary, hairy, hair he, hare he, harry, harry e,harry e., heir he, herry, herr e., jere, jere e., jeri, jerri, jerrie, jerry,jerry e., kairey, kari, kari e., karry, kary, kerrey, kerri, kerry, kerry e.,lair he, larry, larry e, larry e., lary, mare e, mare he, marry, mary,mary e, mary e., merrie, merry, merry e., nary, neri, neri e, pair e,pair he, parry, perry, perry e, perry e., prairie, prayer he, querry,rare he, scarey, scare he, scary, serry, share e, share he, sheri, sherri,sherrie, sherry, sherry e., skerry, snare he, snary, spare he, sperry,square e, square he, stair he, stare he, stary, sterry, swear he, tarry,tear he, teri, terrae, terri, terrie, terrie e., terry, terry e., there e,there he, vary, verri, verry, ware he, wary, wear he, werry, wery,where e, where e., where he, where hee, wherry, yeiri
3 syllables:
affair he, alarie, ameri, armchair he, asbury, auberry, aware he, azeri,bad fairy, banbury, barberi, bing cherry, bird cherry, blackberry,black cherry, blood berry, blueberry, boveri, bradberry, bradbury,brimberry, buccheri, cadbury, canary, carberry, cecere, compare e,compare e., contrary, cranberry, curreri, declare he, delleri, despair he,dewberry, dogberry, doonesbury, dubarry, elsberry, elsbury,elsewhere he, embury, fanfare he, ferreri, gadberry, glengarry,goldsberry, gooseberry, granberry, grandberry, ground cherry, guarneri,hackberry, hail mary, hanberry, hanbury, hansberry, hardware he,heart cherry, kilbury, kingsbury, lansberry, laprairie, library, library e,lineberry, macquarrie, macsharry, make merry, male berry, marberry,marbury, marksberry, maseri, mauceri, maugeri, mayberry, maybury,mcclary, mccrary, mcgarry, mcgary, mcnairy, mcnary, mcquerry,mcsherry, metairie, moceri, mooberry, mulberry, newberry, newbery,newbury, nightmare he, nowhere he, o'berry, oberry, omary, opere e,oteri, palmeri, pierie, pierre e., pierre he, pillsbury, pin cherry, plumeri,primary, prosperi, queensberry, raineri, raneri, raspberry, recarey,remarry, repair he, roseberry, rosemary, rosemary e., roxbury, ruggeri,rum cherry, sand cherry, saulsberry, scarberry, scuderi, seaberry,seabury, sedberry, shrewsberry, shrewsbury, silveri, simsbury,software e, software he, soleri, somewhere he, spiteri, sprayberry,stanberry, stanbury, stansberry, strawberry, st mary, sudberry, sudbury,sunseri, sweet cherry, thornberry, thornbury, throneberry, tiberi, tilbury,unfair he, unwary, valeri, viguerie, voltaire he, warfare he, welfare he,westberry, westbury, wheat berry, wheelchair he, wild cherry, wild clary,winberry, woodberry, woodbury, yarberry
4 syllables:
adversary, ancillary, anywhere he, appleberry, arbitrary, arbitrary e,arterberry, atterbury, aviary, balistreri, barillari, beach strawberry,black mulberry, black raspberry, bladder cherry, bloody mary,bog rosemary, brackenbury, buckthorn berry, budgetary, camilleri,canterbury, canzoneri, cape gooseberry, capillary, casselberry,cassowary, castleberry, cautionary, cemetery, centenary,christenberry, christenbury, christmas berry, closed primary, coffee berry,cometary, commentary, commissary, corollary, coronary, culinary,customary, delaware he, derryberry, dictionary, dietary, dignitary,dispensary, dromedary, dwarf blueberry, dwarf mulberry, dysentery,eckelberry, emissary, estuary, everywhere he, faulkenberry, feb,february, formulary, fragmentary, francesmary, frankenberry,fuji cherry, functionary, funerary, hockenberry, hockenbury,hog cranberry, honey berry, honorary, huckleberry, ikenberry, january,lapidary, large cranberry, laurel cherry, leatherberry, leatherbury,legendary, literary, londonderry, low blueberry, luminary,marsh rosemary, meadow clary, mercenary, mickelberry, middlebury,military, millionaire he, missionary, momentary, monastery,monetary, montazeri, mortuary, necessary, norfolk wherry, oliveri,ordinary, palmieri, palminteri, pigeon berry, planetary, prairie berry,pudding berry, pulmonary, pusateri, quaternary, questionnaire he,ranieri, red mulberry, red raspberry, rosebud cherry, rosenberry,rotenberry, salmon berry, salutary, sanctuary, sand blackberry,sanitary, savagery, sea gooseberry, secondary, secretary, secretary e.,sedentary, seminary, silver berry, small cranberry, solitary, sour cherry,stationary, stationery, statuary, swamp blackberry, swamp blueberry,swamp dewberry, tagliaferri, temporary, tertiary, tipperary,tom and jerry, topiary, tributary, true blackberry, unaware he,underwear he, unitary, urinary, veterinary, virgin mary, visionary,waterbury, white mulberry, wild cranberry, wild raspberry,wild rosemary, wild strawberry, winter cherry, wood strawberry,yellow berry
5 syllables:
apothecary, barbados cherry, bicentenary, bird sanctuary,black huckleberry, bollettieri, box huckleberry, ceylon gooseberry,chief secretary, chinese gooseberry, common bird cherry,common canary, concessionary, confectionary, confectionery,constabulary, contemporary, deflationary, depositary, desk dictionary,direct primary, disciplinary, discretionary, diversionary,downy ground cherry, dwarf cape gooseberry, epistolary,evergreen cherry, exclusionary, expansionary, extraordinary, fiduciary,flowering cherry, fool's huckleberry, garden strawberry, hereditary,home secretary, illusionary, imaginary, indian cherry, inflationary,involuntary, irish strawberry, itinerary, jamaican cherry,japanese cherry, judiciary, juniper berry, lending library,mountain blue berry, mountain cranberry, native cranberry, nonmilitary,northern dewberry, obituary, open primary, paper mulberry,pecuniary, pituitary, preliminary, probationary, program library,proprietary, proprietary e, public library, purple ground cherry,reactionary, recessionary, running blackberry, sapphire berry,scarlet strawberry, school dictionary, southern dewberry, subsidiary,surinam cherry, unnecessary, unsanitary, vocabulary, war secretary,western blackberry, western dewberry, western sand cherry
6 syllables:
assumption of mary, barbados gooseberry, beneficiary, catalina cherry,chilean strawberry, commerce secretary, common bog rosemary,defense secretary, disinflationary, evergreen blueberry, evolutionary,expeditionary, flowering raspberry, garden huckleberry, interplanetary,jerusalem cherry, labor secretary, little dictionary, make unnecessary,maraschino cherry, mexican black cherry, navy secretary,new zealand wine berry, noninflationary, oriental cherry, paramilitary,pocket dictionary, revolutionary, rocky mountains cherry, semilegendary,social secretary, undersecretary, virginia strawberry, west indian cherry
7 syllables:
american cranberry, american dewberry, american hackberry,american raspberry, amoebic dysentery, bilingual dictionary,cardiopulmonary, circulating library, collegiate dictionary,cultivated strawberry, energy secretary, envoy extraordinary,european bird cherry, european blueberry, european cranberry,european dewberry, european hackberry, european raspberry,evergreen huckleberry, interdisciplinary, madeira winter cherry,official emissary, oriental bush cherry, solemnity of mary,treasury secretary, unabridged dictionary, winter flowering cherry
8 syllables:
agriculture secretary, counterrevolutionary, depository library,education secretary, electronic dictionary, executive secretary,interior secretary, japanese flowering cherry, transportation secretary
9 syllables:
anterior pituitary, apalachicola rosemary, machine readable dictionary,mediterranean hackberry, posterior pituitary
10 syllables:
etymological dictionary
2 syllables:
aeri-, aerie, airey, airy, air he, arie, ary, barey, bare he, barre, barrie,barry, bear he, berrey, berri, berrie, berry, blair e, blair he, buerry,bury, carey, care e, care e., care he, carie, carrey, carrie, carrie e., carry,cary, chair he, cheri, cherie, cherry, chery, claire e., claire he, clair e.,clare e., clare he, clary, dairy, dare he, derry, dery, ere he, eyrie, fairey,fairy, fair e, fair he, fare e, fare he, ferae, ferri, ferri-, ferrie, ferry, fery,flair he, frary, garry, gary, gary e, gary e., gehry, gerri, gerrie, gerry,gerry e., gery, glare he, glary, hairy, hair he, hare he, harry, harry e,harry e., heir he, herry, herr e., jere, jere e., jeri, jerri, jerrie, jerry,jerry e., kairey, kari, kari e., karry, kary, kerrey, kerri, kerry, kerry e.,lair he, larry, larry e, larry e., lary, mare e, mare he, marry, mary,mary e, mary e., merrie, merry, merry e., nary, neri, neri e, pair e,pair he, parry, perry, perry e, perry e., prairie, prayer he, querry,rare he, scarey, scare he, scary, serry, share e, share he, sheri, sherri,sherrie, sherry, sherry e., skerry, snare he, snary, spare he, sperry,square e, square he, stair he, stare he, stary, sterry, swear he, tarry,tear he, teri, terrae, terri, terrie, terrie e., terry, terry e., there e,there he, vary, verri, verry, ware he, wary, wear he, werry, wery,where e, where e., where he, where hee, wherry, yeiri
3 syllables:
affair he, alarie, ameri, armchair he, asbury, auberry, aware he, azeri,bad fairy, banbury, barberi, bing cherry, bird cherry, blackberry,black cherry, blood berry, blueberry, boveri, bradberry, bradbury,brimberry, buccheri, cadbury, canary, carberry, cecere, compare e,compare e., contrary, cranberry, curreri, declare he, delleri, despair he,dewberry, dogberry, doonesbury, dubarry, elsberry, elsbury,elsewhere he, embury, fanfare he, ferreri, gadberry, glengarry,goldsberry, gooseberry, granberry, grandberry, ground cherry, guarneri,hackberry, hail mary, hanberry, hanbury, hansberry, hardware he,heart cherry, kilbury, kingsbury, lansberry, laprairie, library, library e,lineberry, macquarrie, macsharry, make merry, male berry, marberry,marbury, marksberry, maseri, mauceri, maugeri, mayberry, maybury,mcclary, mccrary, mcgarry, mcgary, mcnairy, mcnary, mcquerry,mcsherry, metairie, moceri, mooberry, mulberry, newberry, newbery,newbury, nightmare he, nowhere he, o'berry, oberry, omary, opere e,oteri, palmeri, pierie, pierre e., pierre he, pillsbury, pin cherry, plumeri,primary, prosperi, queensberry, raineri, raneri, raspberry, recarey,remarry, repair he, roseberry, rosemary, rosemary e., roxbury, ruggeri,rum cherry, sand cherry, saulsberry, scarberry, scuderi, seaberry,seabury, sedberry, shrewsberry, shrewsbury, silveri, simsbury,software e, software he, soleri, somewhere he, spiteri, sprayberry,stanberry, stanbury, stansberry, strawberry, st mary, sudberry, sudbury,sunseri, sweet cherry, thornberry, thornbury, throneberry, tiberi, tilbury,unfair he, unwary, valeri, viguerie, voltaire he, warfare he, welfare he,westberry, westbury, wheat berry, wheelchair he, wild cherry, wild clary,winberry, woodberry, woodbury, yarberry
4 syllables:
adversary, ancillary, anywhere he, appleberry, arbitrary, arbitrary e,arterberry, atterbury, aviary, balistreri, barillari, beach strawberry,black mulberry, black raspberry, bladder cherry, bloody mary,bog rosemary, brackenbury, buckthorn berry, budgetary, camilleri,canterbury, canzoneri, cape gooseberry, capillary, casselberry,cassowary, castleberry, cautionary, cemetery, centenary,christenberry, christenbury, christmas berry, closed primary, coffee berry,cometary, commentary, commissary, corollary, coronary, culinary,customary, delaware he, derryberry, dictionary, dietary, dignitary,dispensary, dromedary, dwarf blueberry, dwarf mulberry, dysentery,eckelberry, emissary, estuary, everywhere he, faulkenberry, feb,february, formulary, fragmentary, francesmary, frankenberry,fuji cherry, functionary, funerary, hockenberry, hockenbury,hog cranberry, honey berry, honorary, huckleberry, ikenberry, january,lapidary, large cranberry, laurel cherry, leatherberry, leatherbury,legendary, literary, londonderry, low blueberry, luminary,marsh rosemary, meadow clary, mercenary, mickelberry, middlebury,military, millionaire he, missionary, momentary, monastery,monetary, montazeri, mortuary, necessary, norfolk wherry, oliveri,ordinary, palmieri, palminteri, pigeon berry, planetary, prairie berry,pudding berry, pulmonary, pusateri, quaternary, questionnaire he,ranieri, red mulberry, red raspberry, rosebud cherry, rosenberry,rotenberry, salmon berry, salutary, sanctuary, sand blackberry,sanitary, savagery, sea gooseberry, secondary, secretary, secretary e.,sedentary, seminary, silver berry, small cranberry, solitary, sour cherry,stationary, stationery, statuary, swamp blackberry, swamp blueberry,swamp dewberry, tagliaferri, temporary, tertiary, tipperary,tom and jerry, topiary, tributary, true blackberry, unaware he,underwear he, unitary, urinary, veterinary, virgin mary, visionary,waterbury, white mulberry, wild cranberry, wild raspberry,wild rosemary, wild strawberry, winter cherry, wood strawberry,yellow berry
5 syllables:
apothecary, barbados cherry, bicentenary, bird sanctuary,black huckleberry, bollettieri, box huckleberry, ceylon gooseberry,chief secretary, chinese gooseberry, common bird cherry,common canary, concessionary, confectionary, confectionery,constabulary, contemporary, deflationary, depositary, desk dictionary,direct primary, disciplinary, discretionary, diversionary,downy ground cherry, dwarf cape gooseberry, epistolary,evergreen cherry, exclusionary, expansionary, extraordinary, fiduciary,flowering cherry, fool's huckleberry, garden strawberry, hereditary,home secretary, illusionary, imaginary, indian cherry, inflationary,involuntary, irish strawberry, itinerary, jamaican cherry,japanese cherry, judiciary, juniper berry, lending library,mountain blue berry, mountain cranberry, native cranberry, nonmilitary,northern dewberry, obituary, open primary, paper mulberry,pecuniary, pituitary, preliminary, probationary, program library,proprietary, proprietary e, public library, purple ground cherry,reactionary, recessionary, running blackberry, sapphire berry,scarlet strawberry, school dictionary, southern dewberry, subsidiary,surinam cherry, unnecessary, unsanitary, vocabulary, war secretary,western blackberry, western dewberry, western sand cherry
6 syllables:
assumption of mary, barbados gooseberry, beneficiary, catalina cherry,chilean strawberry, commerce secretary, common bog rosemary,defense secretary, disinflationary, evergreen blueberry, evolutionary,expeditionary, flowering raspberry, garden huckleberry, interplanetary,jerusalem cherry, labor secretary, little dictionary, make unnecessary,maraschino cherry, mexican black cherry, navy secretary,new zealand wine berry, noninflationary, oriental cherry, paramilitary,pocket dictionary, revolutionary, rocky mountains cherry, semilegendary,social secretary, undersecretary, virginia strawberry, west indian cherry
7 syllables:
american cranberry, american dewberry, american hackberry,american raspberry, amoebic dysentery, bilingual dictionary,cardiopulmonary, circulating library, collegiate dictionary,cultivated strawberry, energy secretary, envoy extraordinary,european bird cherry, european blueberry, european cranberry,european dewberry, european hackberry, european raspberry,evergreen huckleberry, interdisciplinary, madeira winter cherry,official emissary, oriental bush cherry, solemnity of mary,treasury secretary, unabridged dictionary, winter flowering cherry
8 syllables:
agriculture secretary, counterrevolutionary, depository library,education secretary, electronic dictionary, executive secretary,interior secretary, japanese flowering cherry, transportation secretary
9 syllables:
anterior pituitary, apalachicola rosemary, machine readable dictionary,mediterranean hackberry, posterior pituitary
10 syllables:
etymological dictionary
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