2 syllables:
aeri-, aerie, airey, airy, air he, arie, ary, barey, bare he, barre, barrie,barry, bear he, berrey, berri, berrie, berry, blair e, blair he, buerry,bury, carey, care e, care e., care he, carie, carrey, carrie, carrie e., carry,cary, chair he, cheri, cherie, cherry, chery, claire e., claire he, clair e.,clare e., clare he, clary, dairy, dare he, derry, dery, ere he, eyrie, fairey,fairy, fair e, fair he, fare e, fare he, ferae, ferri, ferri-, ferrie, ferry, fery,flair he, frary, garry, gary, gary e, gary e., gehry, gerri, gerrie, gerry,gerry e., gery, glare he, glary, hairy, hair he, hare he, harry, harry e,harry e., heir he, herry, herr e., jere, jere e., jeri, jerri, jerrie, jerry,jerry e., kairey, kari, kari e., karry, kary, kerrey, kerri, kerry, kerry e.,lair he, larry, larry e, larry e., lary, mare e, mare he, marry, mary,mary e, mary e., merrie, merry, merry e., nary, neri, neri e, pair e,pair he, parry, perry, perry e, perry e., prairie, prayer he, querry,rare he, scarey, scare he, scary, serry, share e, share he, sheri, sherri,sherrie, sherry, sherry e., skerry, snare he, snary, spare he, sperry,square e, square he, stair he, stare he, stary, sterry, swear he, tarry,tear he, teri, terrae, terri, terrie, terrie e., terry, terry e., there e,there he, vary, verri, verry, ware he, wary, wear he, werry, wery,where e, where e., where he, where hee, wherry, yeiri
3 syllables:
affair he, alarie, ameri, armchair he, asbury, auberry, aware he, azeri,bad fairy, banbury, barberi, bing cherry, bird cherry, blackberry,black cherry, blood berry, blueberry, boveri, bradberry, bradbury,brimberry, buccheri, cadbury, canary, carberry, cecere, compare e,compare e., contrary, cranberry, curreri, declare he, delleri, despair he,dewberry, dogberry, doonesbury, dubarry, elsberry, elsbury,elsewhere he, embury, fanfare he, ferreri, gadberry, glengarry,goldsberry, gooseberry, granberry, grandberry, ground cherry, guarneri,hackberry, hail mary, hanberry, hanbury, hansberry, hardware he,heart cherry, kilbury, kingsbury, lansberry, laprairie, library, library e,lineberry, macquarrie, macsharry, make merry, male berry, marberry,marbury, marksberry, maseri, mauceri, maugeri, mayberry, maybury,mcclary, mccrary, mcgarry, mcgary, mcnairy, mcnary, mcquerry,mcsherry, metairie, moceri, mooberry, mulberry, newberry, newbery,newbury, nightmare he, nowhere he, o'berry, oberry, omary, opere e,oteri, palmeri, pierie, pierre e., pierre he, pillsbury, pin cherry, plumeri,primary, prosperi, queensberry, raineri, raneri, raspberry, recarey,remarry, repair he, roseberry, rosemary, rosemary e., roxbury, ruggeri,rum cherry, sand cherry, saulsberry, scarberry, scuderi, seaberry,seabury, sedberry, shrewsberry, shrewsbury, silveri, simsbury,software e, software he, soleri, somewhere he, spiteri, sprayberry,stanberry, stanbury, stansberry, strawberry, st mary, sudberry, sudbury,sunseri, sweet cherry, thornberry, thornbury, throneberry, tiberi, tilbury,unfair he, unwary, valeri, viguerie, voltaire he, warfare he, welfare he,westberry, westbury, wheat berry, wheelchair he, wild cherry, wild clary,winberry, woodberry, woodbury, yarberry
4 syllables:
adversary, ancillary, anywhere he, appleberry, arbitrary, arbitrary e,arterberry, atterbury, aviary, balistreri, barillari, beach strawberry,black mulberry, black raspberry, bladder cherry, bloody mary,bog rosemary, brackenbury, buckthorn berry, budgetary, camilleri,canterbury, canzoneri, cape gooseberry, capillary, casselberry,cassowary, castleberry, cautionary, cemetery, centenary,christenberry, christenbury, christmas berry, closed primary, coffee berry,cometary, commentary, commissary, corollary, coronary, culinary,customary, delaware he, derryberry, dictionary, dietary, dignitary,dispensary, dromedary, dwarf blueberry, dwarf mulberry, dysentery,eckelberry, emissary, estuary, everywhere he, faulkenberry, feb,february, formulary, fragmentary, francesmary, frankenberry,fuji cherry, functionary, funerary, hockenberry, hockenbury,hog cranberry, honey berry, honorary, huckleberry, ikenberry, january,lapidary, large cranberry, laurel cherry, leatherberry, leatherbury,legendary, literary, londonderry, low blueberry, luminary,marsh rosemary, meadow clary, mercenary, mickelberry, middlebury,military, millionaire he, missionary, momentary, monastery,monetary, montazeri, mortuary, necessary, norfolk wherry, oliveri,ordinary, palmieri, palminteri, pigeon berry, planetary, prairie berry,pudding berry, pulmonary, pusateri, quaternary, questionnaire he,ranieri, red mulberry, red raspberry, rosebud cherry, rosenberry,rotenberry, salmon berry, salutary, sanctuary, sand blackberry,sanitary, savagery, sea gooseberry, secondary, secretary, secretary e.,sedentary, seminary, silver berry, small cranberry, solitary, sour cherry,stationary, stationery, statuary, swamp blackberry, swamp blueberry,swamp dewberry, tagliaferri, temporary, tertiary, tipperary,tom and jerry, topiary, tributary, true blackberry, unaware he,underwear he, unitary, urinary, veterinary, virgin mary, visionary,waterbury, white mulberry, wild cranberry, wild raspberry,wild rosemary, wild strawberry, winter cherry, wood strawberry,yellow berry
5 syllables:
apothecary, barbados cherry, bicentenary, bird sanctuary,black huckleberry, bollettieri, box huckleberry, ceylon gooseberry,chief secretary, chinese gooseberry, common bird cherry,common canary, concessionary, confectionary, confectionery,constabulary, contemporary, deflationary, depositary, desk dictionary,direct primary, disciplinary, discretionary, diversionary,downy ground cherry, dwarf cape gooseberry, epistolary,evergreen cherry, exclusionary, expansionary, extraordinary, fiduciary,flowering cherry, fool's huckleberry, garden strawberry, hereditary,home secretary, illusionary, imaginary, indian cherry, inflationary,involuntary, irish strawberry, itinerary, jamaican cherry,japanese cherry, judiciary, juniper berry, lending library,mountain blue berry, mountain cranberry, native cranberry, nonmilitary,northern dewberry, obituary, open primary, paper mulberry,pecuniary, pituitary, preliminary, probationary, program library,proprietary, proprietary e, public library, purple ground cherry,reactionary, recessionary, running blackberry, sapphire berry,scarlet strawberry, school dictionary, southern dewberry, subsidiary,surinam cherry, unnecessary, unsanitary, vocabulary, war secretary,western blackberry, western dewberry, western sand cherry
6 syllables:
assumption of mary, barbados gooseberry, beneficiary, catalina cherry,chilean strawberry, commerce secretary, common bog rosemary,defense secretary, disinflationary, evergreen blueberry, evolutionary,expeditionary, flowering raspberry, garden huckleberry, interplanetary,jerusalem cherry, labor secretary, little dictionary, make unnecessary,maraschino cherry, mexican black cherry, navy secretary,new zealand wine berry, noninflationary, oriental cherry, paramilitary,pocket dictionary, revolutionary, rocky mountains cherry, semilegendary,social secretary, undersecretary, virginia strawberry, west indian cherry
7 syllables:
american cranberry, american dewberry, american hackberry,american raspberry, amoebic dysentery, bilingual dictionary,cardiopulmonary, circulating library, collegiate dictionary,cultivated strawberry, energy secretary, envoy extraordinary,european bird cherry, european blueberry, european cranberry,european dewberry, european hackberry, european raspberry,evergreen huckleberry, interdisciplinary, madeira winter cherry,official emissary, oriental bush cherry, solemnity of mary,treasury secretary, unabridged dictionary, winter flowering cherry
8 syllables:
agriculture secretary, counterrevolutionary, depository library,education secretary, electronic dictionary, executive secretary,interior secretary, japanese flowering cherry, transportation secretary
9 syllables:
anterior pituitary, apalachicola rosemary, machine readable dictionary,mediterranean hackberry, posterior pituitary
10 syllables:
etymological dictionary
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