Sunday, August 28, 2016

I Love Nightcore

"WE KNOW!!!"
This is what I'm pretty sure you all know... if you don't, now you know. I'm literally listening to it right now X3 and I'm adoring it. Yea, yea, yea, I know... I'm crazy and just say whatever, but what did you expect? The title of this blog is Randomness!
This is literally all you need to do in life. If you got a problem, just keep calm and listen to nightcore. 
Who wants to hear a little history lesson??? Just kidding, it's not history. Sort of. When I was little, the first time I listened to nightcore, I thought it was a company that took EVERY SONG IN THE UNIVERSE and nightcoreified it. Actually, it was that I thought that people really sang that high! NOPE :3 It's just a bunch of YouTube channels doing whatever songs they want. Well, the first song I listened was Angel Of Darkness. I still listen to it. Pretty good... ok, I'm done now XD

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