Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Writer's Plot Twist Generator

Ok, so I just found a plot twist generator and I thought that I should try it! So you just gotta click the button and it comes up with a plot twist. And here's what I got:
The teacher loses the picture on a drunken night out. So first of all, after pasting this from the site I was like, "Woah! It also copied the color and font. This is weird." Anyway, I don't know what this is... loses what picture? Their 6th grade photo? What does this have to do with anything?! And why would you take a photo with you when you are drunk?!
The heroine asks awkward questions. Ok, what? The heroine asks awkward questions. How the hay is this a plot twist? It makes no sense! "Oh, did your pet duck like the clog I made them?" Because that's an awkward question. Well, it's more on the odd side than awkward, but still...
The daughter storms out. Unless you are a boy and you suddenly become a girl and you storm out because you are mad you became a girl, this is not a plot twist. Unless it leads up to that person becoming a freaky murderer or something, but seriously.

Ok, that's enough... it's too much. These are not good. The top one is kind of ok if you are creative, but really. Just wanted to share that with you all XD

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