Sunday, December 11, 2016


Hi guys move along XD

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Ok, well I just HAD to share this with all you random people who happen to pass by this. I LOVE YOU RANDOM PEOPLE NEVER FORGET YOUR RANDOMNESS. Anyway, I was on kik talking to my friend Koro... usually she has a really pretty screen name with the moon and all that, but today I just saw this:
ERROR: 01108537465001
Turns out its a Kik thing XD Who know?? It's in the trillions and my mind was BLOWN not literally as you can see but you knooooooow. We were talking about it being so random and I was like, YES RANDOMNESS YES it was like DING IDEA I HAVE AN IDEA so yea XD And now apparently she is talking to herself XD

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Here, Birdiiiiiiiie!!!

Ahem *coughs* Ignore this XD UNLESS YOU ARE RAVEN OTHERWISE WHERE ARE YOU GET ON SOM SERIOUSLY THIS IS NOT FUNNY just kidding it kinda is but then again everything is funny to me right now XD
*puts out bird seed* Come oooooooooon! Please? Pretty please with a tootsie roll on top???

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tootsie Roll Suspicions

First of all, let me just say that it took me five minutes to figure out how to spell suspicions. Ok, that is an exaggeration but it took me a while for some reason XD I'm really tired, I'm making all these silly mistakes! Anyway, let's get to the BEEF.
So I have a tootsie roll that is bent in half. IS THIS NORMAL?! I'm a huge tootsie roll lover. More like tootsie roll addict. There's a part where the wrapper doesn't fully cover the tootsie roll and it's bent and flat. Ish. IT'S SO FREAKING WEIRD. I mean, I love weird. I'M weird. But this is scary weird.
A bent tootsie roll. That's how to scare the crap out of people.
At least me.
*psst* Don't use this against me peoplez ok XD

Super Llama

So I was talking to my twin the other day (aka thirty minutes ago) and since I like llamas, I just randomly said, "Never fear, for Super Llama is here!" And then this: *becomes llama in Super Man costume* And I just flew around and I thought (mostly because my twin commented on my lack of blogging) that I should post it because, well, it's pretty random. So I searched online for Super Llama. I mean, it's the internet. Of course it's gonna be there. So guys, you ready for this?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Ok, if you see this, great. This is a message to someone in particular. You know who you are... You do not have to read this, but if you know it's for you (and you will), then please read it. I don't know if I can say this in any other way.

I haven't talked to you in forever. You may not know this, but it's pretty much tearing me apart. I'm so afraid to message you because I know you won't forgive me. Besides, you have your big sister. You don't need me anymore. I'm getting trapped inside this crazy dream and I don't want you going down with me. You've already got enough problems on your own. If you are worried, don't be.

I haven't been on SoM in forever. Same with Kik. I'm afraid to. I haven't been talking to anyone online, and you know that's a pretty big part of my life. So it's not just you I haven't been talking to, but it's you I've been thinking of the most.

I know that you care for your big sister more, don't deny it. I'm actually glad for it because at least you have the better one with you. I never really was able to do anything but a temporary relief, huh?

You'll be fine. You are strong, and you'll make it without me. You've got everyone else you care for. You are a strong light, and people are just naturally attracted to you. I know you are probably going to consider this your fault. Trust me, it isn't. I've been battling this thing inside me even before we met.

This isn't a permanent goodbye. At least, I don't think so. Unless you want it to be. I'm just saying my current situation. I'm just saying why I haven't been on and why I might not be on for a bit.

To everyone else who sees this and have cared to read through it, do not mind this. This is to a specific person who know's what I'm talking about, so don't you worry about little ole me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Writer's Plot Twist Generator

Ok, so I just found a plot twist generator and I thought that I should try it! So you just gotta click the button and it comes up with a plot twist. And here's what I got:
The teacher loses the picture on a drunken night out. So first of all, after pasting this from the site I was like, "Woah! It also copied the color and font. This is weird." Anyway, I don't know what this is... loses what picture? Their 6th grade photo? What does this have to do with anything?! And why would you take a photo with you when you are drunk?!
The heroine asks awkward questions. Ok, what? The heroine asks awkward questions. How the hay is this a plot twist? It makes no sense! "Oh, did your pet duck like the clog I made them?" Because that's an awkward question. Well, it's more on the odd side than awkward, but still...
The daughter storms out. Unless you are a boy and you suddenly become a girl and you storm out because you are mad you became a girl, this is not a plot twist. Unless it leads up to that person becoming a freaky murderer or something, but seriously.

Ok, that's enough... it's too much. These are not good. The top one is kind of ok if you are creative, but really. Just wanted to share that with you all XD

Monday, September 12, 2016

He Left The Chat

Hey Goku, remember this? XD With Duckie!!! So I'm reading through the chat we had on Kik (that Duckie left for... reasons) and I thought I would share some of it with you. Ok, so Kik hates me. I can't see the profile pictures, so group chats are REALLY hard for me. I can't tell what's going on and I'm always afraid of pranks XD Anyway, so these are some funny parts of the chat:
I think it's Duckie: Dahhhhhhhhh
Me: Dah?
I think it's Duckie: Dah is me imitating the noise of a bleached whale.
Me: That almost autocorrected to neurosurgeons.
I don't know who said this: What's that
Me: A person who does surgery on the brain.
Me: I think.
Duckie I think: Are you one?
Me: Noooo
I think it's Goku: Wild floppy disk!
Me: Are you calling me a wild floppy disk? XD
I think it's Goku: No
Me: And I say LLAMA
Goku: Llama!
Duckie: A lobster farted a rainbow.
Me: And it wasn't even a unicorn!
Duckie: Or a ghetto pickle with a sombrero.
(some time later when they both when to bed)
Me: Poof.
Me: Poof.
Me: Poof
(I kept doing that until Duckie left the chat XD)

Something I Thought I Would Never Say

Ok, I'm not gonna go into the details because it's WAY to complicated, but I just now said "You are a vegetable and that's that!" to my friend. No, it's not for a skit or play or something. It's just a conversation XD so I thought I would share that, because you know. It's random.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How To Become A Genius

Ok, so who watches the anime Death Note? Ok, I saw my sister watched it one day and instantly got obsessed. I had to literally pull myself away so I wouldn't be spoiled and so I could watch it on my own. I've just finished the first episode, and REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do the second one. But I decided to post instead C: Anyway, L and Kira are SO FREAKIN' SMART. Seriously, it's freaky. And they're both practically on top of each other, which makes it so suspenseful. They think the same way. So there are two reasons to watch it"

  1. It's an awesome anime. Absolutely awesome and amazing and- you know what, this could go on forever. You get the idea.
  2. You can learn a lot from them and become a genius JUST LIKE THEM :D it's not really educational, though. You just catch on. Probably. I haven't yet... WHAT DOES IT MEAN???

I Love Nightcore

"WE KNOW!!!"
This is what I'm pretty sure you all know... if you don't, now you know. I'm literally listening to it right now X3 and I'm adoring it. Yea, yea, yea, I know... I'm crazy and just say whatever, but what did you expect? The title of this blog is Randomness!
This is literally all you need to do in life. If you got a problem, just keep calm and listen to nightcore. 
Who wants to hear a little history lesson??? Just kidding, it's not history. Sort of. When I was little, the first time I listened to nightcore, I thought it was a company that took EVERY SONG IN THE UNIVERSE and nightcoreified it. Actually, it was that I thought that people really sang that high! NOPE :3 It's just a bunch of YouTube channels doing whatever songs they want. Well, the first song I listened was Angel Of Darkness. I still listen to it. Pretty good... ok, I'm done now XD

Songs That Make No Sense

Ok, so it may just be me. I'm ok with that because, to be honest, I get confused A LOT. High fives to all those just like me! But there are lots of songs these days that I find really confusing. They just seem like a bunch of words pushed together to create what is a song. Is there a meaning to it? Maybe. But only detectives (and really smart ones, too) are able to figure it out! At least I think. I don't really know, this is just what I feel about it. But then again, that's what blogs are about... anyway, does anyone else feel this way? High fives to everyone else who agree with me, too! You know what, HIGH FIVES FOR EVERYONE :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

If You're Clumsy

I come to visit the floor often XD we're best buds.

Ah... Memories.

I remember a loooooong time ago, I did this once XD

Dogs Are So Smart, Aren't They?

Yes, it's true. We all can learn a lot from a dog.

Why Are These So Addicting?!

Ok, so I got a little magnet toy thing. It's four magnets on a stick, and if you turn them the right way they repel against each other and look like they're floating. And it's just so fun to push them together and watch them pop back up! SO ADDICTING. It's driving me crazy. I'm taking a while typing this because I'm doing it right now with my other hand XD
I'm searching all over the internet to find what it's called and give a picture..........



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Weirdest Interview EVER.

Ok, everyone. So its summer, and just as teenagers do (if you are not a teenager, pretend you are), you have TWO OPTIONS. They both will determine whether you use sparkles or sequins. Option A: Sit around doing nothing. Option B: Get a job at the local pizza place. (I almost spelled pizza with a 't' instead of a 'z'... whoops.) So you decide to get a job because everyone likes money and pizza. So you apply for the job and the manager wants an interview with you. So you go in, and this is what happens:
*Please not that this is not supposed to be offensive, just humorous. This contains no racism, sexism, or any derogatory comments on any group of people. It is just stereotypes for teenagers to the extremes.
Question: What's your family like?
Answer: I have no idea... none. They're all so weird.
Question: What's one of your worst habits?
Answer: Worst? I am appalled! There is nothing bad about me, I'm perfect!
Question: What is your favorite dessert?
Answer: Dessert? Either it's everything or nothing. I adore it and stuff it all down, but I gotta watch my weight.
Question: What did you do last weekend?
Question: What is your biggest fear?
Answer: Are you planning to blackmail me or use it against me? Because I'll do to you what I did to Fre- never mind!
Question: What did you have for dinner last night?
Answer: Cheeseburgers. We also had pie for dessert, but I wish I had one now. I really want to smash it in your face.
Question: Are you a spender or a saver?
Answer: Spender. Deeeeefinitely a spender.
Question: How do you think the world will end?
Answer: *grins evilly* Me
Question: Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player or a winning team?
Answer: Best player on a horrible team, because then I can brag about it and boss them around.
Question: What is your favorite candy?
Answer: I CHOOSE SPARKLEZ OVER SEQUINZ!!!!!! * throws sparkles at manager and runs out of room*

Weird questions, even weirder answers.


Yes, peoplez. Lettuce do dis.

Cuz, you know. That moment in silence when someone just falls on their face or fart. It happens. And it's HILARIOUS. Not if the person is hurt, but lets face it. They will probably be fine.

(nope, not a ssssssnake. *ssss*)
*fart* Oh. That's awkward....

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Adventures Of Fred And Todd (Part 1)

Ok, here's a tiny story that I just made up. Enjoy!!! XD (I actually made this up a while ago, let's see if I remember it)

The Adventures Of Fred And Todd (Part 1)

There once was a boy. His name was Todd. He had a spirit animal that was a dragon, who's name was Fred. Thing is, Todd loves his dragon spirit animal that he gave up his body to make the dragon become a real dragon. Todd later became a llama. Luckily, Todd was a very happy llama.

Todd wanted Fred to be a very happy dragon, just like he was a very happy llama. So he set Fred free. That and the rules stated that spirit animals could only be spirit animals to humans. That and Fred wasn't a spirit animal anymore. Fred was a real dragon.

So Fred went off into the world. One day, he came across some kids eating a new cereal called Brainy-Bits. But then he witnessed as their brains exploded. He realized why the cereal was called Brainy-Bits. So he set off on a quest. He was going to stop the Brainy-Bits maker and bring peace to the world. And stop brains from going in pieces.

So Fred found himself lost in a forest on his way around the world. He saw a spirit animal bear. The bear was angry. So the bear said "Grrr!" and bopped Fred's nose.

"OWIE!!!!" Fred whelped. "You bopped me in the nose!"

"Grrr!" Was the bear's only response. The bear did it again.

"Please stop, you're giving me a boo boo! Why are you so angry?" The dragon complained while putting a hand/claw thing on his nose to protect it.

"I don't know. Just felt like it." The bear suddenly calmed down.

"Hahaha you're funny!" Fred laughed, and Bear laughed along with Fred. Yes, the bear's name is Bear. You got a problem with it? Geez, tough readers today.

Bear and Fred said their goodbyes after Bear showed Fred the exit from the forest. From then, Fred travelled such a long time. It was a nearly impossible feat, but he finally made it to a dark and scary castle in over 5 minutes.

Yes, 5 minutes. Fred is an amazing dragon. Fred was very tired by the time he got there.

So Fred walked up to the castle doors and walked inside, not waiting for the door to open. It was very hard. I mean seriously, have you ever tried to walk through wood or steel or whatever that was?

Anyway, Fred made it through the door and walked into what looked like a laboratory.

"Ah, we haz a guest!!!" A strange, cackling voice laughed. He said 'guest' as "gwest".

Fred turned around, knocking down a box of something.

"Oh, no no no, please don't do zat! Dis iz me project! Me very special project!" An old, frizzy haired man laughed some more, rolling his r's excessively and saying 'special' as "spay-shawl".

"Who are you?" Fred asked.

"Oh, ho ho ho! You are ze one in me home, not I in yours! Who are YOU?" The man cackled, continuing to roll his r's. Basically all his r's are really really really rolled. Ok I just tried to say "Really, really, really rolled." with rolled r's. It's hard! At least for me.

"I'm Fred."

"Hello, Fred." He laughed some more, saying something like halo instead of hello. "Would you like to try some of my cereal I'm creating?"

"Sure!" Fred grinned. He loved cereal.

The old man, most likely a professor, poured some cereal into a bowl and poured milk into it.

I wonder where I've seen that cereal box... Fred wondered.

Then Fred ate the cereal. It was a very good cereal.

Next thing you know, there is a limited edition of Brainy-Bits: Dragon Brainy-Bits.

But that's ok, because Todd the Llama brought back Fred to life, and Fred became a llama, too. So now it's Todd the Llama and Fred the Llama. But rumor has it that the limited edition, Dragon Brainy-Bits, were making people think they were a dragon. So the kids started to light places on fire.

"We have to stop this!" Todd spittled.

"Yes, we must!" Fred spittled back.

~To be continued~

Monday, May 23, 2016

Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Ok, so I literally don't know what to post about XD So basically I'm just gonna type and type until I think of something. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Eh, I give up. Carry on! XD

What Rhymes With Very? Hmm, I wonder...

Ok, so this is gonna be long XD Thank you RhymeZone for providing for this post!!!
Also, thank you Goku for (without knowing) helping me with this post XD Yes I really just wanted to do something really long. And yes I changed the results number just a tiny bit. Good for you for those who figure out what the number used to be. Just didn't want it do be offensive to some people.
Words and phrases that rhyme with very:   (665 results)

2 syllables:
aeri-aerieaireyairyair heariearybareybare hebarrebarrie,barrybear heberreyberriberrieberryblair eblair hebuerry,burycareycare ecare hecariecarreycarriecarrie e.carry,carychair hechericheriecherrycheryclaire e.claire heclair e.,clare e.clare heclarydairydare hederryderyere heeyriefairey,fairyfair efair hefare efare heferaeferriferri-ferrieferryfery,flair hefrarygarrygarygary egary e.gehrygerrigerriegerry,gerry e.geryglare heglaryhairyhair hehare heharryharry e,harry e.heir heherryherr e.jerejere e.jerijerrijerriejerry,jerry e.kaireykarikari e.karrykarykerreykerrikerrykerry e.,lair helarrylarry elarry e.larymare emare hemarrymary,mary emary e.merriemerrymerry e.narynerineri epair e,pair heparryperryperry eperry e.prairieprayer hequerry,rare hescareyscare hescaryserryshare eshare hesherisherri,sherriesherrysherry e.skerrysnare hesnaryspare hesperry,square esquare hestair hestare hestarysterryswear hetarry,tear heteriterraeterriterrieterrie e.terryterry e.there e,there hevaryverriverryware hewarywear hewerrywery,where ewhere e.where hewhere heewherryyeiri 

3 syllables:
affair healarieameriarmchair heasburyauberryaware heazeri,bad fairybanburybarberibing cherrybird cherryblackberry,black cherryblood berryblueberryboveribradberrybradbury,brimberrybucchericadburycanarycarberrycecerecompare e,compare e.contrarycranberrycurrerideclare hedelleridespair he,dewberrydogberrydoonesburydubarryelsberryelsbury,elsewhere heemburyfanfare heferrerigadberryglengarry,goldsberrygooseberrygranberrygrandberryground cherryguarneri,hackberryhail maryhanberryhanburyhansberryhardware he,heart cherrykilburykingsburylansberrylaprairielibrarylibrary e,lineberrymacquarriemacsharrymake merrymale berrymarberry,marburymarksberrymaserimaucerimaugerimayberrymaybury,mcclarymccrarymcgarrymcgarymcnairymcnarymcquerry,mcsherrymetairiemocerimooberrymulberrynewberrynewbery,newburynightmare henowhere heo'berryoberryomaryopere e,oteripalmeripieriepierre e.pierre hepillsburypin cherryplumeri,primaryprosperiqueensberryraineriraneriraspberryrecarey,remarryrepair heroseberryrosemaryrosemary e.roxburyruggeri,rum cherrysand cherrysaulsberryscarberryscuderiseaberry,seaburysedberryshrewsberryshrewsburysilverisimsbury,software esoftware hesolerisomewhere hespiterisprayberry,stanberrystanburystansberrystrawberryst marysudberrysudbury,sunserisweet cherrythornberrythornburythroneberrytiberitilbury,unfair heunwaryvaleriviguerievoltaire hewarfare hewelfare he,westberrywestburywheat berrywheelchair hewild cherrywild clary,winberrywoodberrywoodburyyarberry 

4 syllables:
adversaryancillaryanywhere heappleberryarbitraryarbitrary e,arterberryatterburyaviarybalistreribarillaribeach strawberry,black mulberryblack raspberrybladder cherrybloody mary,bog rosemarybrackenburybuckthorn berrybudgetarycamilleri,canterburycanzonericape gooseberrycapillarycasselberry,cassowarycastleberrycautionarycemeterycentenary,christenberrychristenburychristmas berryclosed primarycoffee berry,cometarycommentarycommissarycorollarycoronaryculinary,customarydelaware hederryberrydictionarydietarydignitary,dispensarydromedarydwarf blueberrydwarf mulberrydysentery,eckelberryemissaryestuaryeverywhere hefaulkenberryfeb,februaryformularyfragmentaryfrancesmaryfrankenberry,fuji cherryfunctionaryfuneraryhockenberryhockenbury,hog cranberryhoney berryhonoraryhuckleberryikenberryjanuary,lapidarylarge cranberrylaurel cherryleatherberryleatherbury,legendaryliterarylondonderrylow blueberryluminary,marsh rosemarymeadow clarymercenarymickelberrymiddlebury,militarymillionaire hemissionarymomentarymonastery,monetarymontazerimortuarynecessarynorfolk wherryoliveri,ordinarypalmieripalminteripigeon berryplanetaryprairie berry,pudding berrypulmonarypusateriquaternaryquestionnaire he,ranierired mulberryred raspberryrosebud cherryrosenberry,rotenberrysalmon berrysalutarysanctuarysand blackberry,sanitarysavagerysea gooseberrysecondarysecretarysecretary e.,sedentaryseminarysilver berrysmall cranberrysolitarysour cherry,stationarystationerystatuaryswamp blackberryswamp blueberry,swamp dewberrytagliaferritemporarytertiarytipperary,tom and jerrytopiarytributarytrue blackberryunaware he,underwear heunitaryurinaryveterinaryvirgin maryvisionary,waterburywhite mulberrywild cranberrywild raspberry,wild rosemarywild strawberrywinter cherrywood strawberry,yellow berry 

5 syllables:
apothecarybarbados cherrybicentenarybird sanctuary,black huckleberrybollettieribox huckleberryceylon gooseberry,chief secretarychinese gooseberrycommon bird cherry,common canaryconcessionaryconfectionaryconfectionery,constabularycontemporarydeflationarydepositarydesk dictionary,direct primarydisciplinarydiscretionarydiversionary,downy ground cherrydwarf cape gooseberryepistolary,evergreen cherryexclusionaryexpansionaryextraordinaryfiduciary,flowering cherryfool's huckleberrygarden strawberryhereditary,home secretaryillusionaryimaginaryindian cherryinflationary,involuntaryirish strawberryitineraryjamaican cherry,japanese cherryjudiciaryjuniper berrylending library,mountain blue berrymountain cranberrynative cranberrynonmilitary,northern dewberryobituaryopen primarypaper mulberry,pecuniarypituitarypreliminaryprobationaryprogram library,proprietaryproprietary epublic librarypurple ground cherry,reactionaryrecessionaryrunning blackberrysapphire berry,scarlet strawberryschool dictionarysouthern dewberrysubsidiary,surinam cherryunnecessaryunsanitaryvocabularywar secretary,western blackberrywestern dewberrywestern sand cherry 

6 syllables:
assumption of marybarbados gooseberrybeneficiarycatalina cherry,chilean strawberrycommerce secretarycommon bog rosemary,defense secretarydisinflationaryevergreen blueberryevolutionary,expeditionaryflowering raspberrygarden huckleberryinterplanetary,jerusalem cherrylabor secretarylittle dictionarymake unnecessary,maraschino cherrymexican black cherrynavy secretary,new zealand wine berrynoninflationaryoriental cherryparamilitary,pocket dictionaryrevolutionaryrocky mountains cherrysemilegendary,social secretaryundersecretaryvirginia strawberrywest indian cherry 

7 syllables:
american cranberryamerican dewberryamerican hackberry,american raspberryamoebic dysenterybilingual dictionary,cardiopulmonarycirculating librarycollegiate dictionary,cultivated strawberryenergy secretaryenvoy extraordinary,european bird cherryeuropean blueberryeuropean cranberry,european dewberryeuropean hackberryeuropean raspberry,evergreen huckleberryinterdisciplinarymadeira winter cherry,official emissaryoriental bush cherrysolemnity of mary,treasury secretaryunabridged dictionarywinter flowering cherry 

8 syllables:
agriculture secretarycounterrevolutionarydepository library,education secretaryelectronic dictionaryexecutive secretary,interior secretaryjapanese flowering cherrytransportation secretary 

9 syllables:
anterior pituitaryapalachicola rosemarymachine readable dictionary,mediterranean hackberryposterior pituitary 

10 syllables:
etymological dictionary